Candy Box 2 Wiki

The Monkey Wizard is a hostile character from Candy Box 2. When you "stumble across him" in the Cave, you are given the option to challenge him.

He attacks with two different spells : purple balls, which will seek you out and damage you (15 damage for purple balls) and purple-red balls which will go to the ceiling and home in on you after 30 seconds. Having the erase magic spell from the advanced grimoire will prove very useful. Also, when the player reaches him, he will jump over the player which provides problems without a weapon that can attack behind.

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                        \                                                 |                         
                         |                                                /                         
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                     /                                                        \                     
You stumble upon a naked monkey wizard.


The Monkey Wizard can be difficult because it does not fight you face to face and relies on homing magic to defeat you. Once you reach it, you may only get one or two attacks in before it jumps over you and you cannot attack it further. This means you can exit the stage safely without winning the fight, but also to counteract his strategy you need some form of magic. The easiest method is to use the Boots of Introspection to prevent yourself from moving and repeatedly Fireball to defeat him. You can pair this with red enchanted Leather Gloves or Octopus King's Crown enchanted with jaspers, as they both spam additional magic attacks, to make this much easier. If you do not have the boots, you can also use Teleport to preposition yourself, though you don't always get placed in a useful position, and it can also be beneficial to use the Advanced Grimoire's erase spell though this will also delete your attacks.


  • It is strange that it is pointed out that the monkey wizard is naked, because monkeys do not normally wear clothes.
    • However, this could be because wizards wear robes.
  • Being beaten by it won't cause you to lose candies gained during the battle.